Home Solutions, Inside and Out

New Prague based home refreshing, proudly serving the southern Twin Cities Metro providing modern day solutions to everyday home problems!

Your Home Solutions Source

Whether you’re a local neighbor or in the cities, Inside Out Solutions wants to be the solution to YOUR problems, whether they be inside or out! With a specialty in hanging and mounting items on walls, we are here to take care of your small-service needs, maintenance, repairs, upgrades, honey-do-lists and refreshing. We do a little bit of everything so you don't have to do a little bit of anything!

Here’s an answered question from our FAQ page!

Q. What makes you stand out and be special?

A. While we could simply say that we communicate and we’re clean, we actually mean that. How do we accomplish this? Here’s a couple examples…

When we’re on our way, we send you a text. You have a heads up so you can be ready for us, no surprises!

When we’re done working, we clean up and vacuum the space we worked in so you don’t have to clean after us!

Want another? Transparent pricing. We have our service visit minimum listed here in our FAQ, plus what it costs for one of us to be in your home for a day. We even have many of our common services priced out on our Services & Pricing tab at the top of the page

Where We’ve Served

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