How To Remove Blood Stains?

How do you remove blood stains? A bit of a different, possibly scary question to be asked. Why would you need to know how to remove blood stains?

As a DIYer, the weekends can get hectic as you’re trying to tackle all those pesky to-dos around the house. Eventually, you’ll probably end up unintentionally cutting yourself and getting some of your blood on some clothing or other porous surface without realizing it right away, as you’re probably busy trying to bandage yourself up! If you’ve really cut yourself bad, get yourself to the hospital and don’t be a hero. But, if this isn’t that serious of a situation, here are a few tips to get that blood removed from whatever you got it on. (please be aware that these solutions can also stain certain surfaces themselves, so just go slowly and carefully when trying these out)

  • Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide might have been what you used to clean your cut! The same cleanser can be used to remove blood stains. It acts to sterilize, the same process working on material as well. Before pouring it on the material you’re working with, it’s better to dampen a rag and blot the spot. Hydrogen peroxide can stain materials, so best to start light. When finished, flush the area with cold water as best you can.

  • Contact Lens Eye Solution

If you’re a contact lens wearer, you’re in luck! Contact lens solution (and some dry eye drop solutions), have natural salines that are super effective at removing bodily fluids like blood. In the same way as hydrogen peroxide, dampen a rag and blot the spot. When finished, flush the area with cold water as best you can.

  • Coca Cola

While not paid advertising for them (at least yet!), Coca Cola is a great solution for taking care of those pesky blood stains. The carbonic acid dissolves blood stains. While all carbonated drinks have carbonic acid, hence the carbonation, Coca Cola seems to have higher levels. There’s actually a lot of fun arguments online about this, but from personal experience, we can vouch for it working to enough of a degree to stand behind it. You could try another carbonated beverage to avoid the possible sticky residue the sugar from a cola has, but the carbonation might not be as high.

Additionally, Coca Cola serves double duty as a rust remover! You heard that right, Coca Cola has been of our go-tos for removing rust on several occasions. The acidic nature and phosphoric acid all work together to remove rust. Just pouring it over a rusty tool might not be enough, but soaking for 24 hours has achieved suprising results for us.

There you have it!

Three unique ways to remove blood stains! We hope you never have to need these tips, and we hope it’s simply a way for you to win trivia night! Don’t forget, always keep safety first—it’s not just a cliché thing to say.


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